Given the recent political scandal (and because it is a question we get asked ALL the time), we thought de facto relationships would be an interesting topic to touch on in this post.
When are you in a de facto relationship?
A couple will be considered to be in a de facto relationship if:
- they are not married to each other;
- they are not related by family; and
- they have a relationship as a couple living together on a genuine domestic basis.
A de facto relationship can therefore exist between the same sex or different sex. It can also include situations where one party is already legally married to someone and in a relationship with another (i.e current political scandal).
There are many factors that a Court will consider in determining whether a couple is in a de facto relationship or just dating. The general rule is that a couple must be living together for 2 years. However, if:
- one person has financially supported the other; or
- the couple have had a child together,
then the couple may also qualify.
How a couple act in front of family and friends, and on social media is also a very important factor. The Court will accept evidence from family, friends and social media to refute or prove the existence of a de facto relationship.
Why does it matter?
Only couples who are married or in a de facto relationship (and not just dating) have rights to apply to the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia for:
- a property settlement (a share of the other persons property) and/or
- spousal maintenance (financial support from the other person).
Are there any real-life examples?
There are a number of cases on de facto relationships because it is one of the more complex areas of family law.
A recent 2017 case of Sha & Cham involved a situation where the husband was legally married to his wife and had a mistress (who started out as his sex worker). The mistress successfully claimed to be in a de facto relationship with the husband. The effect was that a Court ordered that the husband pay the mistress over $300,000 for a relationship of just over 1 year.
A contrasting case is Jonah & White where a Court found that no de facto relationship existed, notwithstanding the fact that the parties has been in a relationship for 17 years.
These cases highlight the complexity and sheer chaos that can be associated with family law, and particularly de facto relationship law. The Court battle of Sha & Cham spanned over almost 5 years (or to put it into context – 500% longer than the actual relationship between the husband and the mistress).
So, what is the take away message?
If you are starting a relationship (or currently in one) and you have property, then you should seek legal advice about how to keep that property in the event of separation.
Property can include:
- Real Estate
- Bank Accounts
- Cash
- Vehicles
- Household Furniture and Contents
- Shares
- Investments
- Superannuation
- Interests in a Business or Trust
- Inheritances
Would you like further information?
If you would like further information about de facto relationships, please contact us or book an appointment online.
By Tegan Martens
Director & Principal Family Lawyer
Martens Legal
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